The Creative Gardener: (a fantastic site in which I've spent hours)
The U.S. Drought Monitor (updated every Thursday morning)
Lynda's Garden: (Suite 101 has so many wonderful gardening sites, and this is the best I've found)
Virtually Gardening: This is a link to Suite 101, a helpful gardening forum.
Moosey's Country Garden: Check out her excellent garden diary and cats!
Terranova: This wholesale nursery is one of the leaders in the tissue-culture propogation of plants. A photo of almost every plant they offer, and a preview of new introductions coming up in 2003.
Here is a great link to other great plant sites around the internet. It is
from the Plant Delights site by Tony Avent.
The Rape Victim Advocacy Program: A wonderful agency that I've volunteered for: I contributed some information about the sexual abuse of men and boys to their web site.
MST3K: Mystery Science Theater 3000, the funniest and smartest television show ever. If only I could live on the Satellite of Love with Crow and Tom Servo...
Space Ghost: Be sure to check out the Council of Doom pages, especially Lokar and Brak. I love that Braky-Wacky.